He rebut un mail del passat!

Concretament de l’octubre del 2011, i és un mail meu de fa poc més d’un any dirigit al jo del futur, és a dir, el d’ara.

He agafat per costum crear futurs esdeveniments al meu calendari de Google on hi explico el que es diu que passarà per aquella data. El calendari es diu futurologia i el podeu veure aquí, és public:


I si el voleu posar al vostre propi calendari, afegiu aquesta adreça en format ical:


Així per exemple, el 2061 (si encara visc) rebré un correu del 2013 que m’informarà del que deien que passaria l’any 2060. I segons la BBC diuen que el 2060 s’haurà creat una base humana a Mart.

Trobo que és un exercici força interessant, el saber el que pensaven que passaria la gent de fa 50 anys en la data actual i comprovar el grau d’aproximació que en van fer.

El mail que he rebut del passat és aquest:

23 incredible new technologies you’ll see by 2021


Ultrabooks ? The last two years have been all about the tablet. Laptops, with their ?untouchable? screens, have yet to match any tablet?s featherweight portability and zippy response times. However, by next year, ultraportable notebooks?Ultrabooks?will finally be available for under $1000, bringing a complete computing experience into areas of life which, until now, have only been partially filled by smaller technologies such as tablets and smartphones. They weigh around three pounds, measure less than an inch thick, and the hard drives are flash-based, which means they?ll have no moving parts, delivering zippy-quick startups and load times.

The Mars Science Laboratory ? By August 2012, the next mission to Mars will reach the Martian surface with a new rover named Curiosity focusing on whether Mars could ever have supported life, and whether it might be able to in the future. Curiosity will be more than 5 times larger than the previous Mars rover, and the mission will cost around $2.3 billion ? or just about one and a half New Yankee Stadiums.

The Brain Cap, from U of Maryland.

The paralyzed will walk. But, perhaps not in the way that you?d imagine. Using a machine-brain interface, researchers are making it possible for otherwise paralyzed humans to control neuroprostheses?essentially mechanical limbs that respond to human thought?allowing them to walk and regain bodily control. The same systems are also being developed for the military, which one can only assume means this project won?t flounder due to a lack of funding.

Què us sembla? No anaven gaire errats fa 1 any. La Curiosity és a Mart, els ultrabooks existeixen a menys de 1000$ i hi ha màquines per caminar, encara que no a l’abast de tothom.